Another possible factor is developmental delay by Microsoft.
Windows 11 is still here and has been making big waves, both positively and negatively since the beginning of October 5th. There are a few bugs on the first day initially, as well as a pass edition, not to mention the need to update it for a better gaming experience. Windows 11 users have now discovered that Microsoft has other dirty tricks on their hands.
According to Daniel Aleksandersen, creator of Ctrl. Blog EdgeDeflector, the changes to the protocols and file links associated with the default application and the latest version of Windows 11. This prevents users from navigating existing Microsoft shortcuts.
Many links built into Microsoft applications require a browser that includes Windows 10 and 11 starting with the protocol supported by Microsoft Edge. Something like the latest weather widget news on Windows is a good case. This is why you see links open on Edge even if you insist on not using them or if you have other settings similar to your web browser’s default settings. Of course, Edge takes the opportunity to request another default, which might make novice users think it’s an important choice.
Many users are concerned about overcoming this problem with an app as EdgeDeflector provided for free by Aleksandersen. The whole function of this application is to open links in the normal https link which will open in your chosen default browser. This is a great solution to the unwanted anger problem. So competing browsers like Brave and Firefox are planning to implement this feature.