Amazon warehouse workers in Alabama will get another chance to vote to unionize

The National Board of Labor Relations has approved a new union vote at a warehouse in Amazon, a workers ’union said on Monday behind a bid.

In a statement, Retail, Wholesale, and department stores said the NLRB director officially approved a new vote at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama store. As a result, domestic workers, named BHM1, will have another opportunity to vote or join RWDSU.

NLRB spokeswoman Kayla Blado confirmed the party had announced new elections but did not say when the new coalition would be held.

The BHM1 site was a high-profile joint venture that attracted international attention, including President Joe Biden. In April, workers strongly opposed the formation of the coalition, and less than 30 percent of the vote was added to support entry into RWDSU.

RWDSU tried to challenge the results, arguing that Amazon was wrong in the choice. It began a lengthy court battle and months of trying to monitor the conduct of the election. Much of the controversy surrounding Amazon’s decision to put a mailbox on the website, which RWDSU disputed, revealed Amazon’s false image of voting and intimidating employees to vote against the coalition.

In August, the NLRB chief executive recommended that the results of the by-elections be set aside and that another vote be held. At the time, Amazon said it would increase this step.

10th District President Lisa Henderson, who lives in Atlanta, presented the election with instructions for a second vote on BHM1 on Monday.

After considering the evidence and arguments in the case, Henderson wrote in his decision, “I agree with the presidential office.

Amazon spokeswoman Kelly Nantel said in a statement that the company did not agree with NLRB’s decision on Monday and that Amazon does not think June is the best solution for its employees.

“Our staff often have a choice of whether to join the union or not, and they have strongly decided not to join RWDSU earlier this year,” Nantel said. “It is unfortunate that the NLRB has decided not to count those votes.”

Coalition President Stuart Appelbaum said in a statement: “The end of the day confirms what we have said so far – the threat and harassment from Amazon has discouraged employees from explaining it., Which may come from a merger.

Unions took over some of Amazon’s European employees, but no U.S. website was fully established or affiliated with the merger.

Since Bessemer’s election, there has been increased activity in the Amazon store with loads. In October, a group of Amazon employees on Staten Island appealed for a coalition vote with the NLRB, before their petitions were canceled after the organization insisted they must sign more signatures.

Amazon employees at a Canadian store in September presented a joint ballot with the support of the local fraternity of the International Brotherhood of Team workers.

The Teamsters, one of the largest organizations in the world, led the consolidation of Amazon employees. The merger in June approved a major plan to organize Amazon employees. Representatives of the Teamsters also demonstrated at government meetings in U.S. pockets to disrupt local warehouses and prevent, what they doubt low workload.

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