Introducing Perceptus: A Revolutionary Technology That Opens Up a New World of Exciting AR Applications

The Perceptus platform provides AR with a visual view of the world, enabling applications to create engaging, accessible, and valuable AR experiences. For example, smartphones, tablets, and AR/VR headsets can use the Perceptus platform to continuously view and intercept 3D physical objects while working to protect user privacy. Helping to dynamically identify objects and their context as people move freely in the real world is at the heart of a new generation of augmented and mixed reality apps and experiences that are revolutionizing the way people use data integration into the real world. The Perceptus platform is now available under license to interested companies.

Perceptus was created by Singulos’ serial entrepreneur research team. Dr. Brad Quinton leads a team that has already developed high-tech companies that easily conquered industrial giants like Qualcomm and Tektronix. The Singulos team collaborated to develop the semiconductor technologies and software that are at the heart of today’s smartphones and mobile processors.

Notably, Perceptus’ core technology uses a unique and proprietary approach to AI and machine vision, enabling the platform to continuously recognize, analyze and detect objects. This technological breakthrough offers a new class of immersive and cost-effective augmented reality experiences such as:

  • Insight into dynamic objects
  • Use of existing mobile processor technology
  • Cloud-free local control capabilities

Singulos Research is now talking to technology companies interested in licensing Perceptus and incorporating it into their apps and devices.

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